View Cart 0 Items(s) | Subtotal: $0.00
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The fastest and easiest way to place an order is through our online store. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can browse and shop at your convenience.
It's easy to find the products you are looking for! You can browse through the categories in the left navigation bar in the online shop - or - you can enter a keyword into the search box at the top of the page. When you find something that you would like to buy just add it to your shopping cart. You can easily see what is in your shopping cart at any time just by clicking on the View Cart link at the top right of the page. When you are viewing your cart you can easily remove items or edit quantities. When you are finished shopping just click on the Checkout button and you can then complete your order.
By creating an account with Scrap 'n Stamp you will able to place orders quickly without having to enter all your personal information each time.
There are many benefits to signing up for an account such as:
It's easy! Just click on the Register/Login link in the top right hand section of the website and you will be directed to the Account Login page. You will be asked to enter your email address and then need to select the option to create a new account and click on Login. On the next page you will create a password and enter your billing address. When you have completed that section and press continue you are done. The next time you login you simply enter your email address and password and you will have access to your account immediately. You can then...
When you have finished shopping and click Checkout you will go through five easy steps to complete your order.
You will receive an email confirmation of your order and you can check the status, track or view this order at any time by logging into your account.
Yes, absolutely! Our site uses SSL technology that ensures that all your personal and payment information is encrypted. We make sure that your personal information is protected while it is being sent to us and once we receive it. The personal information that you provide when you create an account or place an order is only used to process your order and will never be sold to or provided to any other companies. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.